What I've been up to
Website Released
After purchasing the website hosting and domain name in January 2024, I decided to create a website for my portfolio to help me get a placement. During July 2024, I engaged in my three-stage plan to develop this website. I wanted to finish three projects before I started writing the text, eventually leading me to create the first version of the website using HTML, and CSS.
January 2025 -
Team Jam (Up Above)
At the very start of Term 2 in university, one of my modules was Team Project (Games). This involved a week long game jam with 8 games students varing from arists, programmers, and designers. The game we made was a puzzle game called “Up Above”, where 2 players would climb up to various floating islands to solve various puzzles and the players where of contrasting colours fitting to the theme. My role in the team was the Prototype Engineer, as I would create a basic version of a feature/puzzle in either blueprints or C++ for it to then be refined later on in the week.
January 2025 -
University (Year 2)
After passing my first year at the university of Huddersfield, I'm now in my second year at the uni studing the following modules:
- Algorithms and Data Structures
- Game Engine Architecture
- Introduction to Artifical Inteligence
- Real-Time Graphics
- Team Project (Games)
- Object Orientated Systems Development
Discord Poll & Suggestion Bot
While working on my Discord bot for the computer science Discord server, I found two unique features I created that I would like to showcase separately: a suggestion system bot and a poll bot. When working on the suggestion system, I realised that I could also turn it into a poll system, where the figures and bars update in real time as people vote for the options, just like the suggestion system but configured to display differently.
February 2024 -
Discord Bot for University Computer Science Server
Before starting my course in late September, I joined a computer science Discord server with a suggestions channel. I said that it would be cool if we had a custom Discord bot for the server, and after agreeing with the server owner, I started work on the first prototype. After that, I focused on coding new and improved bot versions during my free time while studying at university. In late June 2024, I finished the project and plan to add more features when I have time.
September 2023 -
University (Year 1)
My first year studying at the University of Huddersfield included the following modules:
- Computer Science and Mathematics
- Computer Organisation and Architecture
- Project 1 (Team Project)
- Software Design and Development
- Computer Network Fundamentals